
Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM):

Before you start mediation or if you need to make an application to court you will be required to attend one of these meetings.

  • Our fees are £120 per person
  • Meeting with you alone by online video such as Zoom
  • Conducted by an accredited family mediator who is also a solicitor (non-practising)
  • Up to 60 minutes meeting & up to 30 minutes preparation & follow-up work
  • Expert guidance to solve your problem or resolve your dispute
  • Includes letter or email and phone call to one other potential participant and a PDF mediator’s court certificate if needed.


Our fees are £200 per person for a 90 minute meeting.

Mediation Outcome Documents

Our fees are charged at £134 per hour, per person for preparing mediation outcome documents such as:  a memorandum of understanding, open financial statement, parenting plan or outcome summary.

Child Inclusive Mediation:

Our fees are £100 per parent or carer.